
合资 150-500人 原材料和加工 新能源


浙江中金格派锂电产业股份有限公司成立于2016年,位于***浙江杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区,占地面积182.8亩(120000平方米),建筑面积近约7万平方米,是目前中国领先的大型动力电池关键材料生产企业。 中金格派是由上海格派实业有限公司主导,金川集团、北京大森国际投资等知名企业联合投资控股的集研发、生产、销售高性能动力电池材料(锂离子电池,储能材料)等于一体的***高新技术企业。 公司一期投资5亿元(固定资产2亿元)已全部到位,用于收购原钴产业领先企业浙江嘉利珂全部资产及复产准备,目前公司正在开展2017年二期投资约1亿美金(约7亿人民币)进行产业延伸。公司以新能源材料的关键材料为基础产业,规划钴系,镍系,锂系新能源材料超过30000吨产能。目标成为中国以及全球动力电池材料产业链关键材料核心供应商。公司同步在锂电材料的上游资源进行有效布局,建立覆盖全球的钴锂资源供应链,建立资源控制和材料技术的双轮产业优势,从而具备完全的新能源产业的服务能力。 中金格派产品主要应用于动力电池材料、硬质合金、超级合金、光亮电镀、陶瓷釉料以及催化剂等行业,主要产品包括:四氧化三钴、氧化钴、电池级硫酸钴、高纯氢氧化钴、氯化钴、草酸钴、高纯碳酸钴、电解钴、高纯氢氧化镍、电池级硫酸镍、电池级碳酸锂、电池级氢氧化锂、锰酸锂、磷酸铁锂、镍钴锰酸锂等相关三元正极材料。 Founded in 2016, China Greatpower Jinchuan Advanced Battery Materials Corp.(GPJC)is a leading producer of core materials for global lithium battery industry. Located in National Economic and Technological Development Zone near Hangzhou Bay in Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province,the company covers 120000㎡of land area and 70000㎡of building area including a large-scale production site. GPJC is a joint venture between Shanghai Greatpower, Jinchuan Group and an undisclosed new energy industry fund, with Shanghai Greatpower holding the majority stake, successfully purchasing assets belonging to former Zhejiang Galico Cobalt & Nickel Material Co.,Ltd in December 2016. GPJC aims to be the key supplier of core materials across the whole supply chain for global lithium battery material. For the commissioning of first-stage production, GPJC has i***ested over 200 million RMB to produce battery materials including cobalt, nickel and lithium with a new capacity of 30,000 mtpa on board by 2017. GPJC has both the expertise in sourcing and marketing battery materials with long-term strategic partnerships in the upstream sector and also the cutting-edge technology of producing and processing battery materials in the downstream sector, the combination of which will maximise its competitive advantage and show its uniqueness under ever-changing market conditions. With Shanghai Greatpower holding the majority stake, GPJC is a national high-tech enterprise specialized in developing, manufacturing and selling high performance power battery material(lithium-ion battery and energy storage battery), which is jointly i***ested by Jinchuan Group and Beijing Daseng International I***estment. GPJC aims to be the core supplier in key material of the power battery industry chain in Chinese and even global market. In order to set up the double advantage of resource control and material technology, our company have arranged effective layout on the upstream resources of lithium battery materials and established the supply chain of lithium and cobalt resources all over the world in a simultaneous way, thus completely possessing the service ability for new energy industry.

公司地址:工厂:浙江省绍兴市国家级杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区纬十一路19号 (邮编:312369)